NCRC Board of Regional Coordinators Winter Meeting February 3, 2001 Walker County Georgia 911 Center Meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. by National Coordinator John Punches Roll Call and acceptance of proxies: Caribbean Region Vacant Southwest Region Burgess present Central Region Mirza present Pacific NW Region Punches present Eastern Region Myers present Medical Officer Chewning present Training Officer Ashburn present Northeast Region Evans present Western Region Bowers present Rocky Mountain Region Gookin absent Southeastern Region Parnell present South Central Region Green proxy Mirza (A) Diving Officer Nicholson present National Coordinator Punches present Database Manager Daugherty present Visitors: Debbie Myers, Brian Lavender, Bruce Smith, Jack Gandy Minutes of the Summer 2000 meeting were approved as distributed Myers moves, Bowers seconds - unanimously approved. The statement to be included in the front of On Call was revisited without change. Financial Officer Financial Report: Income 4145.63 Expenses 0 Bank Balance 13356.71 Ashburn moves to accept the Seminar report form (B)as amended, Evans seconds. Green (Mirza) abstains, rest in favor. Database Manager: (C-1 and 2) Over 5000 participants Over 125 courses Over 175 instructors Regional Coordinator packets will be distributed this weekend. National Coordinator's report (D-1) Planned training needs to be forwarded to John Punches to be included on the web site and forwarded to the NSS News. NCRC Description for the Members Manual and the Web page have been updated (D-2 & 3) Education Board: (E) Ashburn moves to approve the Education Board recommendation to realign the vertical component of levels 1-3, Evans seconds. Unanimously approved. Ashburn moves to accept the Education Board recommendation to change the approved type of load-releasing hitch to the Radium LRH. Second by Mirza. Unanimously approved. Education Board recommends Jack Grandy for appointment to the At-Large position. Diving Officer: International Underwater Cave Rescue and Recovery First Responder Manual Training done annually, usually at Ginny Springs in Florida Maintains list of trained rescue divers Nominations and Appointments: Rocky Mountain Region: (to fulfill balance of John Gookin's term to expire 2002) Marc Ohms - recommended by John Gookin Jeb Steward - also expressed interest Marc Ohms is unanimously recommended for appointment Diving Officer: Henry Nicholson Keith Walburn Henry Nicholson is unanimously recommended for reappointment Education Board at Large: Barb Ritts Mike Payne Becky Jones Doug Moore Marc Tiritilli Jeff Weaver Jack Grandy . Jack Grandy is unanimously elected to the Education Board. Caribbean Region: Position is vacant, the region will be forwarding a recommendation (due to expire in 2001) Coordinators' reports due to John Punches by 2/16/01 2000 Seminar 73 students Use of familiar sites was very helpful in planning instructor assignments Food vendor the only major problem - inadequate amounts, quality. Replaced mid-week. 2002 Seminar bid: Northeast Region (similar location to 1979 and 1991 seminars) (Chewning left the meeting at 11:45 p.m.) Ashburn Moves, Green seconds to accept John Evans bid for the 2002 Seminar Unanimously approved. Draft policy for National Deadline for preliminary Budget Jan 1 of previous year. Deadline for confirmation of site June 1 of previous year (brochure and final budget) Decision for drop from National to Regional, based on numbers - 45 days prior to seminar 2003 Seminar Southwest Region (Carlsbad area) Ashburn moves, Bowers seconds to accept Harry Burgess bid for the 2003 Seminar Unanimously approved Ashburn moves that the 2001 seminar be removed from the South Central Region. Central Region (Don Paquette and Anmar Mirza) and Southeast Region (Diane Cousineau) are to proceed to seek alternate sites. Proposed budgets are to be distributed on the Administrative list before March 1) Bowers seconds Unanimously approved ITRS 1st Weekend of November, Denver, Colorado Evans moves, Mirza seconds that NCRC will co-sponsor the 2001 ITRS Unanimously approved Evans moves that the NCRC purchase a copy of the 2001 ITRS proceedings for each member of the BORC, Parnell seconds. Unanimously approved. Ashburn moves that the NCRC obtain 2 copies of the 2000 ITRS proceedings, Green (Mirza) seconds. Unanimously approved. Copies to be sent to Dave Ashburn, invoice to John Punches. Book update - Review is proceeding, still hopeful to get a finished product this summer. All chapters have been reviewed by at least some of the review board. Anmar has received a request from Mark Priddy for a copy of the level 1 curriculum to be shared at a training seminar in Turkey. The request was refused. Break for lunch at 1:30 p.m. Returned to meeting at 2:00 p.m. Cave Rescue Team Database Define what constitutes at cave rescue team-unable to get uniform decision What information does NCRC give out? Contact persons?-yes Available equipment?-through regional coordinator Full team list?-no Each Regional Coordinator needs to identify available rescue resources within the region, relay appropriate information to be posted on the Web. NCRC Database to go on the Web as a password protected area, with sort and print options. Update contact/callout protocol with AFRCC. Query letter to NCRC trained individuals re: what rescue team do they belong to, if any? NO NCRC revised logo - needs to be revised to show correct packaging, change position of litter attendant, etc. Mark will e-mail jpegs after corrections. NCRC has been invited to send a representative to the MRA meeting in Washington state. Evelyn Bradshaw has forwarded a request from Costa Rica for assistance in cave rescue training and equipment. This will be forwarded to Efrain Mercado in Puerto Rico. Minors cannot attend seminars unless a designated guardian is present in the same classes/level. Winter meeting 2002 will be February 1-3, location to be determined. Education Board meeting will be on Friday of the same weekend, at the same location. E-mail preferences to John Punches before the end of February. Summer meeting will be July 24, 2000 at the NSS Convention in Kentucky. The one-day cave rescue course will be on Wednesday, July 25. The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. (Some kind of record!!) Respectfully submitted, Kathy Welling Recording Secretary